Right now, online marketing has all the buzz with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social media marketing, and viral cat pictures. But there are still many things you can do to promote your business with offline marketing. In this article we will go over the offline marketing techniques which still work very well, and we'll explain how you can get the most out of them.

But just to give a little background on the issues that are involved, the advantage that online marketing has is scale of people who can be reached. And the advantage that offline marketing has is the ability to create meaningful and long-lasting business relationships that can last long after the current project.

Offline Markting: Building Relationships

Business relationships are extremely valuable. Don't underestimate them and try to foster them. And never burn bridges (but you already know and follow this advice, correct?). When you meet someone face to face, you can get them excited about your project, see whether there is any synergy between what the two of you are currently working on, and see how you can help one another.

Also, business is personal. If you like someone, you are more likely to do business with them. And if you don't like someone, you are probably less likely to do business with them. So be likable, real and genuine. It will not only be easier to do sales that way, but you will also build long-term relationships.

Offline Marketing: Business Networking

To try to build relationships within your industry, try to attend at least a few business networking events for your industry per month. You will meet your peers and learn from them, make new contacts, and have a chance to start new business relationships.

Additionally, you can chat with the organizers of the events about what it takes to maybe present at their events. That would put you on their radar of possible presenters. So when your business is mature enough, you can actually be a presenter at such events and have the spotlight on you and your business for the evening.

There are many books written about business networking. Here is the very short summary. Whatever you do, always follow up with the people whose business card you take. Also, ask people about their work and show curiosity and an inclination to be helpful to them. You must do something nice for people before you bluntly ask them to buy your product or connect you with someone. Not everyone will reciprocate, but some people will. And those are the people with whom you are likely to stay in touch.

Offline Marketing: Business Cards

Of course, as you network with people, give them your business cards, and follow up with them after the event. Usually within the next two days is a good time frame to follow up. Don't get discouraged if you don't hear back from everyone to whom you send the follow up email to. Not everyone understands how to network, or needs to network. So not everyone will follow up, but some people will.

Offline Marketing: Speaking at Events

As mentioned earlier, a great way to promote your business is to actually present at various events which are relevant for your business. The audience may contain potential clients as well as reporters or bloggers who may add to your press by covering you in their publications. Also, since the discussion of the evening will be centered around your business, you will chat with people after the event, and exchange business cards with them.

Offline Marketing: Handing Out Flyers

Handing out flyers can work on rare occasions and for some types of things being promoted such as events. When you do hand out flyers, make sure that you are handing them out to a well-targeted audience because printing the flyers has a cost. So make sure that they are not just wastefully handed out to a mass of people. The better you locate your target market, the better your flyers campaign will do. But keep in mind, handing out flyers is not effective for all businesses. You really have to evaluate whether this technique will for for your unique situation.

Offline Marketing: Door To Door Marketing

Door to door marketing works for some types of businesses and projects. For example, if you are collecting donations for something in the local community, this can be a technique that can work, as many people report this being an effective way to advertise.

Also, for example, if you have a home painting business, you can walk around middle class and affluent neighborhoods (they tend to have more money to spend) and see which homes have bad old old paint jobs. And knock on the doors of those homes and chat with the people who live there about whether they are looking into getting a new paint job for their home.

Brief Introduction To Marketing

Offline Marketing Strategy Coaching

If you feel that you might benefit from some coaching and one on one strategy, you can hire me to create your offline marketing strategy. We can get on a Skype call, talk about your business, and I can help you create a good marketing strategy for your business. Learn more about this service on my marketing strategist page.

Offline Marketing Course

I also created a video based online course that you can take. That course discusses the offline marketing strategies that I cover in my book, but if you prefer learning by watching video instead of reading a book, the course may be a better option for you. You can find that course along with my other online courses on my Udemy coupons page which lists discounts to many of my online courses.

Further Marketing Resources

Whether customers will find you online or offline, they will want to learn more about you before they engage. One great way to let potential customers know more about you is with your own website. Here is a tutorial for how to set up your own WordPress website quickly and on your own.

Article by Alex Genadinik